Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How I almost let myself go… and what saved me

I wrote this piece because I understand the unhappiness that comes from being overweight and the bliss that comes from being in the best shape of your life. I want other women to know how I sank to the bottom and made it all the way back to the top.

If you need the short version, the miracle I finally found is called Ultra Green Tea.

I loved it because:

- IT HELPS YOU LOSE A TON OF WEIGHT, all in a healthy way.
- It comes with a free trial for a month– you only pay shipping and handling.
- It suppresses your appetite in a healthy way and it gives you healthy energy instead of the jitters.

-It tastes great and you don’t take any pills.

But first, read about how Ultra saved me:

OK, so I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I was my very fattest about 8 weeks ago. I had been really busy, had gone through some rough stuff emotionally and had had some friendship problems. I hadn’t exercised much and I definitely wasn’t watching what I was eating. I went from my already overweight 165 lbs. to my much heavier 185 lb. weight.

All my friends were too scared to say anything to me but I know they wanted to intervene and help me. They didn’t though. I just got lucky.

I stumbled across a green tea powder that lets you mix it into any drink you want, from water to juice, etc. It’s called Ultra Green Tea. Now, I had tried so many other diet products before that I was so skeptical to try Ultra Lean. You know how they all say they’re going to work but sometimes they just don’t? I tried this product though because:

-It gives you healthy energy instead of the jitters.
- It comes with a free trial for a month– you only pay shipping and handling.
- It suppresses your appetite in a healthy way and
- IT HELPS YOU LOSE A TON OF WEIGHT, all in a healthy way.

The free trial was really what sold me, though. All I had to pay was shipping and handling, like $5, and I got the best diet product I’ve ever tried.

My results? I’ve lost the 25 lbs. I had put on and I keep getting thinner. I’ve changed the way I eat a little bit but not even that much. Anyway, check it out if you’re interested.

Get it here: Ultra Green Tea.

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